AT&T Unified Messaging (UM) is a service that allows you to check and retrieve all
your email, landline voicemail, wireless from AT&T® voicemail and fax messages through a personal computer or touchtone telephone. With text-to-speech technology, you can have the contents of an email message and/or your fax header information read to you. Plus, you can save faxes for viewing on a personal computer, or forward a fax to a fax machine for printing. By downloading the AT&T Voicemail Viewer App to your qualifying iPad®, iPod Touch®, smartphone or other qualifying device, you can check your AT&T Unified Messaging voicemail messages visually, even choosing the order in which you listen to them. The AT&T Voicemail Viewer App is available to download at no charge for qualifying smartphones and other devices (standard data usage charges may apply).
On-line product tutorials and demonstrations of Unified Messaging are available, just click on the hyperlinks below.
Authentication code set up will allow you to reset your PIN/Password in the event you forget or lose it.
For more information or to place an order, residential customers may visit
Or, call us on 1-888-300-6500.
If you are experiencing problems, please call AT&T Unified Messaging Customer Care
at 1-888-300-6500 Monday-Friday 8am-7pm Central Time or visit, enter your telephone number and select voice mail.
The following is a feature description of the AT&T Unified Messaging service:
AT&T Unified Messaging (UM) |
- Unified mailbox for voice, email, and fax messages
- 50 MB of storage for all messages
- Inbound Call Integration
- View all of your messages over the Internet
- Listen to all of your messages over the phone
- Ability to receive fax messages in your UM mailbox
- Alternate ID - 1 secondary landline telephone number
- Integration of wireless numbers (2 wireless numbers for a primary mailbox, 1 wireless number - per Sub-mailbox)*
- 4 Sub-Mailboxes
- Message Waiting Indicator
- Notification Options
AT&T Unified Messaging Lite (UM Lite) |
- Unified mailbox for voice, email, and fax messages
- 100 MB of storage for all messages
- Authentication Code to reset PIN/Password
- Inbound Call Integration
- View all of your messages over the Internet
- Listen to all of your messages over the phone
- Ability to receive fax messages in your UM mailbox
- Alternate IDs - Add up to seven (7) secondary landline telephone numbers
- Message Waiting Indicator
- Notification Options
AT&T Unified Messaging Standard (UM Standard) |
- Unified mailbox for voice, email, and fax messages
- 100 MB of storage for all messages
- Authentication Code to reset PIN/Password
- Inbound Call Integration
- View all of your messages over the Internet
- Listen to all of your messages over the phone
- Ability to receive fax messages in your UM mailbox
- Alternate IDs - Add up to seven (7) secondary landline telephone numbers
- Integration of wireless numbers (2 wireless numbers)*
- Message Waiting Indicator
- Notification Options
AT&T Unified Messaging Fax Plus (UM Fax Plus) |
- Unified mailbox for voice, email, and fax messages
- Separate fax telephone number to give to your callers for fax reception
- 100 MB of storage for all messages
- Authentication Code to reset PIN/Password
- Inbound Call Integration
- View all of your messages over the Internet
- Listen to all of your messages over the phone
- Ability to receive fax messages in your UM mailbox
- Alternate IDs - Add up to seven (7) secondary landline telephone numbers
- Integration of wireless numbers (2 wireless numbers)*
- Message Waiting Indicator
- Notification Options
AT&T Unified Messaging Director (UM Director) |
- Unified mailbox for voice, email, and fax messages
- Provides an Automated Attendant that can route inbound calls to other Unified Messaging Mailboxes.
- 100 MB of storage for all messages
- Authentication Code to reset PIN/Password
- Inbound Call Integration
- View all of your messages over the Internet
- Listen to all of your messages over the phone
- Ability to receive fax messages in your UM mailbox
- Alternate IDs - Add up to seven (7) secondary landline telephone numbers
- Integration of wireless numbers (2 wireless numbers)*
- Message Waiting Indicator
- Notification Options
AT&T Unified Messaging Extension Mailboxes (UM Ext MB) |
- For businesses with more employees than telephone lines
- Up to 98 Extension Mailboxes per Primary Mailbox
- Not available with UM Director
- Unified mailbox for voice, email, and fax messages
- 100 MB of storage for all messages
- Authentication Code to reset PIN/Password
- Inbound Call Integration
- View all of your messages over the Internet
- Listen to all of your messages over the phone
- Ability to receive fax messages in your UM mailbox
- Alternate IDs - Add up to seven (7) secondary landline telephone numbers
- Integration of wireless numbers (2 wireless numbers)*
- Message Waiting Indicator
- Notification Options
* Only wireless from AT&T phones may be added to your AT&T Unified Messaging service.
AT&T's prepaid wireless service cannot be added to AT&T Unified Messaging.
Landline and wireless numbers must be within the same service area.